Forum Series

colorblocks and photos of tubes

Introduction and Objectives

Are good leaders born? Are good leaders made through experience and training? Most of us prepare ourselves for careers by building our technical knowledge and skills, but often don’t consider the need for interpersonal skills, including leadership. Consequently, we encounter a steep learning curve when thrust into a leadership position. Although leadership skills can be learned on the job through trial and error, weaknesses are often ignored because of lack of opportunity to address them. True professionals need to face their weaknesses in order to succeed for themselves and their organizations. Good leaders build an environment that brings out the best in each of their team members.

In the Fall 2012, the St Louis section of the ACS started the innovative Leadership Development Forum (LDF) to help chemists in the area develop their leadership skills. The LDF has done this by focusing on one leadership topic in each module. Modules consist of a seminar, discussion, and workshop addressing leadership philosophies and skills for the chosen topic, as well as providing directions to additional sources of help, including an interactive online group to continue the discussions between scheduled sessions. The LDF will catalyze interactions and discussions of mutual concerns with fellow scientists.

Forum Design and Topics

The Leadership Development Forum will cover leadership topic in modules. Two modules will be offered every year and each module will focus on a specific leadership topic. Within each module, widely accepted fundamental practices of leaders will be presented in a highly interactive, pragmatic, and engaging format. Seminars introducing the topics will be followed by dynamic workshops and book discussions, designed to link your own experiences to specific theories and to help you discover the basic and complex principles of effective leadership.

Online Discussion Group

Don’t let what you learned at one of our events go unused. Join the online discussion and find or post additional resource materials related to our topics.

Module 2, Spring, 2013: Execution: Translating Strategy into Action

Continuing where we left off with our last module topic on Management vs Leadership, we move on to Execution. Execution is a discipline. It is a specific set of behaviors and processes that companies need to undertake in order to achieve the desired results. It is the ability to translate your strategy and business plan into reality.

Most companies only realized 63% of their strategies’ potential value due to deficiencies in planning and execution. — Harvard Business Review Study

Separate registration is required for each event.

If you have colleagues who might benefit from this module, please use the brochure (pdf, ? kb) to let them know about the details.

Kickoff Module, Fall, 2012: Management vs Leadership

The topic for the kickoff module this fall is Management vs Leadership. We will be defining leadership as distinct from the related skill of management. All interested parties are invited to join us in the following sessions. Separate pre-registration is required for each event.

If you have colleagues who might benefit from this module, please use the brochure (pdf, 415 kb) to let them know about the details.